Meeting & Display Spaces


Multi-Purpose Room (accommodates up to 75 people): Reservation and signed agreement required (a responsible person 18 years old or older must be in the room while in use).  Reservations are on a first scheduled basis.  Library programs and events will take priority. 

Technology available in this room:  I.  86 inch television display with HDMI, USB-C, and VGA connection options. II. Blu-Ray Player  III. Built-in Microphone system. 

To reserve this room please call (320)235-3162 or email the Willmar Library reference department.  Food and drink are allowed.

Multi-Purpose Room Policy

Pioneerland Meeting room use policy

Multi-Purpose Room Agreement





Makerspace/ Conference Room (accommodates up to 10 people):  Reservations are suggested (a responsible person 18 yrs or older must be in the room while in use).  Library programs and events will take priority.  Use is on a first scheduled basis. 

Technology Available in this room: I. 65 inch touchscreen display with wireless mirroring, HDMI, USB-C, and VGA connection options.  II. Web camera with conference software (ZOOM, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc.).  

To reserve this room please call (320)235-3162 or email the Willmar Library reference department.   No food or drink allowed.

Makerspace and Conference room policy.

Pioneerland Meeting room use policy


6 Study Rooms (can accommodate 1-4 people):  Available on a first come basis to library users 16 years old or older.  Check for availability at the Information Desk.  Time limit of 1 hour if others are waiting to use a study room.  No food or drink allowed.




Library Display Cases:  Willmar Public Library has 4 display cases that display educational, seasonal, and cultural information of interest to the community.  For information about displaying items in these cases please contact Andrew Bregar at 320-235-3162 ext. 115 or by email.  




Pioneerland Library System © 2013-2020