Willmar Seed Library
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can borrow seeds?
*Anyone can borrow seeds, a library card is not required but we would be happy to help you get one!
What do you mean “borrow” seeds? How can I do that if I plant them?
*At the end of the season, let a few plants “go to seed” and return the collected seeds to the library. The
saved seeds don’t necessarily have to be the same variety that was checked out – and don’t worry, there
aren’t any late fees for crop failure or accidentally eating all the seeds. In that case, you can bring in nonGMO commercially packaged seeds to replenish the library.
How do I borrow seeds?
* First, fill out a membership form and return it to the Information Desk to get your member number. Then
you will be able to check out 5 seed packets per week. Feel free to take seeds of any variety, but only take
as many seeds as you have space for in your garden.
*Using your member number, record your choices in the seed check-out binder.
Start with seeds that are easy for beginners:
How do I return seeds?
* Return thoroughly dried seeds in a sealed paper envelope with your name or member number, the plant
name, variety, and year of harvest written on it.
New to seed saving?
If you are new to seed saving, please refer to the list below for “easy” seeds.
*basil *eggplant *peas
*beans *leeks *peppers
*beets *lettuce *spinach
*carrots *onions *sunflowers
*chard *parsley *tomatoes